info bcn

Useful Info Barcelona

To make settling into Barcelona life a little simpler, we’ve collected some helpful practical information covering everything from opening a bank account to registering at the library. You’ll feel at home in no time!

All students studying at EU must have health insurance during their time in Spain.

EUROPEAN UNION CITIZENS: If you are citizen of the European Union, you may choose to purchase private health insurance. Alternatively, you can transfer the health insurance from the social security of your country of residence to Spain. Complete the S1 form to access CatSalut, the Catalan health service.

NON-EUROPEAN UNION CITIZENS: When applying for a student visa, the Spanish Embassy or Consulate will require proof that you have private health insurance which will cover any medical and/or repatriation expenses that you may incur during your time in Spain. When purchasing medical insurance make sure you compare the plans available and read the small print before signing a contract.

If you require further information on how to obtain health insurance, please contact the EU Admissions Services department at who will be able to help.

There is no set way to open a bank account in Spain: requirements vary according to the bank you choose.

It’s a good idea to research what’s available and pick the most suitable account for your needs.

Banks present in Barcelona include:

If you’ve weighed up your options and there’s no clear winner, look for a bank with branches close to campus or your accommodation, this will save you valuable time when it comes to getting any admin done!

If you have not yet received your residence permit and need to open a bank account, or if you want to start the process before arriving in Spain, please contact our admissions services department at for their support.

The country code for Spain is +34 or 0034.

To make international calls from Barcelona, dial 00 and then the country code, local code and telephone number. If you aren’t sure of the code you need, you’ll find a helpful list here.


Joining Barcelona’s network of libraries will give you access to a huge collection of books, films and music to rent, both physically and through their extensive digital catalogue. Plus, they are often wonderful places to study. If that’s not reason enough to sign up, library card holders also receive discounts at some of Barcelona’s best cultural attractions.

You can sign up (for free) for your library card online, all you need is an official form of identification. Then all you need to do is simply collect the card from your nearest library.